// GUMMO Part 2
Despite the title, this piece has nothing to do with Harmony Korine or his 1997 film, other than a couple of mentions within the text and some threads of influence. This is an anthology of deconstructed “autopsychopathy,” further smeared by a lens of surreality and despair.
// Available April 24th // 212pp
“In Gummo Part 2 Watson scales back from his preceding work’s visual assault to force the audience to come face to face with the delirious boldness of his prose. We are met with horrible cops doing horrible things, traumatizing internet videos, hair metal, burning buildings, blood, and more. With inspiration taken from more than just Korine, and from sources as disparate as Tan Lin and Bob Hickman, Watson delivers another tome for the ageless.”
// Joe Bielecki, author of ‘Tired’ and host of the Writing the Rapids podcast